Physical Health
Affinia Healthcare
Provides primary and preventative health services to St. Louis residents.
Beyond Housing Community Health
Provides outreach health care for residents in the 24:1 Community.
Delta Gamma Center for Children
Provides vision screening in daycares and preschools that serve low-income families and children with special needs.
Diabetes Support Group
A Six-Week group from Beyond Housing’s Community Health Program
Gateway to Oral Health Foundation
Provides comprehensive dental care and nutrition content in the schools.
Give Kids a Smile
Provides free, comprehensive dental care to children.
Our Little Haven
Serves young children impacted by abuse, neglect, and mental or behavioral health needs.
Six-Week Walking Group
A six-week group from Beyond Housing’s Community Health Program
St. Louis Area Diaper Bank
Helps build healthy communities by ending period poverty and diaper needs.
St. Louis Children’s Hospital Healthy Kids Express Asthma Program
St. Louis Children’s Hospital provides free asthma exams, education, and spirometry.
United Health Care
Offers health insurance options for Missourians.
Vision for Children at Risk
Builds, facilitates, and supports coalitions and collaborative efforts dedicated to improving child well-being.
Mental and Behavioral Health
Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD)
LEAD is a pre-arrest diversion program to respond to low-level, non-violent offenses (e.g., drug possession, sex work, homelessness).
BJC Behavioral Health
Provide an array of mental health services for citizens residing in St. Louis City and St. Louis County.
Epworth Children and Family Services
Provides in-home and telehealth family therapy for families in crisis/in need.
Every Child’s Hope
Helps prevent child abuse, treating emotional trauma and mental health issues.
Infant Loss Resources
Provides grief counseling for families who have lost babies.
Lutheran Family and Children’s Services
Offers counseling services, an adoption program, and more services.
Our Little Haven
Serves young children impacted by abuse, neglect, and mental or behavioral health needs.
Places for People
Promotes evidenced-based practices in behavioral health and ensures they are accessible to all.
Saint Vincent Home for Children
A support center for youth in crisis since 1850.
United Health Care
Offers health insurance options for Missourians.
Environmental Health
Family Support
Behavior Frontiers
Offers solutions to help individuals with autism and other special needs reach their potential.
BJC Raising St. Louis
This program connects mothers, fathers and other family members to sustain that unit and reduce infant mortality.
Crisis Nursery Saint Louis
Provides a safe haven for children ages birth to 12 whose families are facing a stressful situation.
Epworth Children and Family Services Drop-in Center
The Drop in Center works with people aged 11-24 who are experiencing a housing crisis.
Fathers and Families Support Center
Aims to improve the lives of children by impacting families and communities.
Generate Health
Brings together community members and organizations who are focused on eliminating racial disparities in infant mortality and maternal health outcomes.
Helping Hand-Me-Downs
Helps meet families’ immediate needs of clothing and other items needed to parent effectively.
Keep Pushing, Inc
Assists the community, both housed and unhoused, with sustainable basic needs.
Lutheran Family and Children’s Services
Offers counseling services, an adoption program, and more services.
Nurses for Newborns
Provides free, in-home nursing visits that promote healthy pregnancy, healthy infancy, and positive parenting skills.
Operation Food Search
Offers number of different initiatives regarding access to food and nutrition.
Parents as Teachers
Offers home visits and developmental screenings for children from birth to age 5.
Pink Ribbon Girls
Serves people and families affected by breast and gynecological cancer.
Prodigal House Ministries
Provides ministry, co-dependent counseling, feeding and clothing for the needy, and counseling for all addictions.
Sneakers with Soul
Provides new, high-quality, sneakers to at-risk K-12 children and youth living in poverty.
St. Louis Area Diaper Bank
Helps build healthy communities by ending period poverty and diaper needs.
St. Louis County Dept. of Public Health/Nurse-Family Partnership
A program for first-time mothers in St Louis County and St. Louis City
St. Augustine Wellness Center
Inspiring and improving the lives of those who need assistance.
St. Vincent de Paul
Offers neighborhood-based volunteers called Vincentians; they make home visits to offer hope and help.
Food Support
A Red Circle
Tackles issues related to disinvestment from North St. Louis County.
Epworth Food Pantry
Provides essential food to dozens of families in the community.
Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry
Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is the largest food pantry in the region.
Keep Pushing, Inc
Assists the community, both housed and unhoused, with sustainable basic needs.
Operation Food Search
Offers number of different initiatives regarding access to food and nutrition.
Pink Ribbon Girls
Serves people and families affected by breast and gynecological cancer.
St. Louis Metro Market
Provides direct access to fresh, healthy food to communities underserved by traditional grocery options.
Substance Abuse Support
Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD)
LEAD is a pre-arrest diversion program to respond to low-level, non-violent offenses (e.g., drug possession, sex work, homelessness).
Preferred Family Healthcare
Offers substance use and addiction, services and referrals, and educational materials.
Prevent + Ed
Works to reduce or prevent the damage caused by alcohol and drug use using education, intervention, and advocacy.
Prodigal House Ministries
Provides ministry, co-dependent counseling, feeding and clothing for the needy, and counseling for all addictions.